Friday, November 18, 2011

Jermaine Potts

As a scholar of PMA, I really not struggling with anything this year. But at first I had a problem with domain and range. But I Demonstrated A Strong Work Ethic and I was Open Minded. So, I finally got over it and now I understand domain ad range.

Dicrete Data
Domain: 1,2,3,4,5
Range: 5,10,15,20,25

Continuous Data

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Homework

Something I have been struggleing with so far this school year is so far nothing really because I have been doing well so far to me. but I'm sure I may stumble on something this school year because no ones perfect at anything. But maybe when i begin to struggle with something then Iwill post it on this web site. OKAY IF ITS OK.


this year i hed a hard time with rate this was hard for me because i never really learn this subject even when the teacher helped me i still had trouble with it but when i sat down and still had troble with did the probles the rate subject one day my taeher tried one more time to help me with the rate subject i under sood it i better so i was goo d enough to pass the test so i felt pourd that i could master the skill we will be using later in the school year.

domain and range

what was hard about the topic was learning how to do it. I had a really difficult time but i finally got it.What i did to help me is practice, practice, practice!!!!!I had a hard time but i really demonstrated a strong work ethic and got through. And mr.Roche you helped meh to so i just wanna say thank you.!